Deploy Walkthrough

Deploy Walkthrough

Ready to deploy your new DAO interface? If you've come here via the Flexible (opens in a new tab) template and are equipped with your platform index please continue. If not, take a peek at our Getting Started page.


Excuse me, I've done this before! Take me to Vercel (opens in a new tab).

Creating a New Project on Vercel

For this step you will need to sign a GitHub account. If you don’t have a GitHub account, follow our Getting Started with GitHub (opens in a new tab) tutorial. This page is intended to exist as a reference guide as you go through the deploy process.

Create Git Repository

Create a name for your new project. Make your repository public by unchecking the checkbox.

Configure Project

Provide the required environment variables. Beside each input description is an example, but you must provide your own unique values.

NEXT_PUBLIC_PLATFORM_INDEX Platform index created via a Flexible template, i.e. `3`
NEXT_PUBLIC_TOKEN_ADDRESS Ethereum address of your DAO's NFT, i.e. `0xd2e7684cf3e2511cc3b4538bb2885dc206583076`
NEXT_PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_KEY API key from your Alchemy dashboard.
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN API key from your dashboard.

How to retrieve an Alchemy API Key (opens in a new tab) 👈 | 👉 How to retrieve a API Key (opens in a new tab)

NEXT_PUBLIC_CHAIN_ID Chain ID of the desired network for your app. Put `1` for Ethereum Mainnet and `5` for the Goerli Testnet.
NEXT_PUBLIC_TWITTER_HANDLE Twitter handle of your DAO, without the @ symbol. i.e. `pblcasmbly`. If you don't have one, supply an empty string, i.e. `""`
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_URL Link to an alternative website for your DAO. If you don't have one, supply an empty string, i.e. `""`


With your environment variables configured, you're now all set to deploy your project to Vercel.

When your project finishes building, you’ll be redirected to a success screen and prompted to continue to your Vercel dashboard. Here you will be able to view you website by clicking on the autogenerated link.

That's everything! If you have any trouble with this process, please open an issue (opens in a new tab) on GitHub.